Nobody...and we mean NOBODY does sports better than RadioWorks! From Minnesota Twins and Vikings, to NDSU Bison and the University of North Dakota sports, we have ALL the games that you desire, right here on your RadioWorks stations!
RadioWorks Sports is headed up by our very own Mark Beighley. Mark has been nominated and named "North Dakota Sportscaster of the Year" from the North Dakota Sportscasters and Sportswriters association.
We like to thank all of our sponsors for without them, we can not cover the amount of games that we do. If you don't believe it, look through our calendar, and see for yourself!
Click to listen to sports (updated M-F 8:30 am/12:30 pm)
Click to listen to the "Weekend Sports Wrap" (updated Sat 10:00 am)
Click to listen to the "Weekend Sports Wrap" (updated Sat 10:00 am)