club car giveaway graphic

We’ve got something to make it the Best. Summer. Ever.  RadioWorks and Joe’s Sport Center present the Summer Club Car Onward Golf Cart Giveaway! Whether you use it for the golf course or for cruising around the neighborhood, summer has never been so much fun! You’ll have a chance to register at a new location each day. So be listening to see where we’ll be each day and don’t walk …RUN…for your chance to win! And next time, you could be riding your new Club Car golf cart from Joe’s Sport Center and RadioWorks!


Date Location  Finalist
6/24 Lamotte's Paint & Flooring Lisa Westby - DL
6/25 Leevers Foods Lola Schlieve-DL
6/26 Liquor Locker Bryan Knutt- Rock Lake
6/27 Dukes Car Wash Nathan Duncan-Leeds
6/28 Lakes Liquor Glenn Bosch - DL
7/1 County Bottle Shop Grant Obenchain-DL
7/2 Monsterlawn Clayton McCloud-DL
7/3 Gas Depot Natalie Lundstrom-Leeds
7/8 Cenex West Butch Zacher-DL
7/9 Lake Chevy Linda Butterfield-Maddock
7/10  Cenex-McVille Brenda McCollum-McVille
7/11  Cenex-Lakota Scott Ericksrud-Lakota 
7/12  NDTC Della Hertzell-DL 
7/15  St Michel Furniture Haley Westby-DL 
7/16  Lake Toyota Robert Smith-Carrington 
7/17  Bessette Motors Scott Wiest-Cathay 
7/18  Ironhide Equipment Adam Eriksson-DL 
7/19  Holiday Mall Zella Hoffart-DL 
7/22  Cenex One Stop Loren Knutson-Leeds 
7/23 D L  Ford

Michael Schall-Crary

7/24 Timbers Lumber Francis L Schumacher-DL
7/25  Proz Lakeside Darren Wilcox-Starkweather
7/26  F U Oil-Tolna   